If you want to keep your hair and skin healthy, then here we are telling you about two yogasanas which are very beneficial.

Yogasana is not only a physical exercise but it is also a medium to connect body and soul. This also keeps you healthy. There are different types of yogasanas, they all have their own benefits. If you want to keep your hair and skin healthy, then Matsyasana and Shashank Asana yoga are very beneficial for you. You can include it in your yoga program regularly. It is very easy to do, so in this we will tell you the methods of doing Matsyasana and Shashank Asana yoga.

Benefits of Yoga for Hair and Skin - Yogasanas For Hair & Skin Care

1. Matsyasana - Matsyasana Yoga In Hindi

Matsyasana yoga comes in the style of Hatha Yoga, it has to be done once for 30 to 60 seconds. It strengthens the skin and hair as well as the muscles. To do Matsyasana, first lie down on your back and place your palms on the ground under the hips. And bring the elbows closer to each other, as you can see in the picture. Shrink the legs and kill the palathi. Now taking your breath in, lift the chest upwards as well as try to raise the head, although the upper part of the head will keep touching the ground. After staying in the pose for a while, while exhaling, come back to the old position and relax by straightening the legs.

2. Shashanka Asana - Shashankasana Yoga In Hindi

To do Shashanka Asana Yoga, first of all, you should sit in Vajrasana posture. Place both your hands on the knees and while inhaling, raise and straighten both your hands. Keep your focus on the neck and spine. The spine should be straight. After this, while exhaling, slowly bend forward and bring your hands down. You have to bend so much till your nose and forehead touch the floor. You can also use pillows if you want. You have to stay in this posture for 30 seconds. After this, taking the breath in, slowly come to your former position. This is this complete cycle of Shashanka asana. You can repeat this many times.

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